Normal to Oily skin

bedak seri wajah azi

We often have sinus problems and sinus can actually leads to pimples!
This product will relief your sinus. I don't know how it works but whenever you apply it on your face, your face will hurt a little bit. Some people said it indicates whether your sinus is serious or not. The more hurtful your face, the serious your sinus condition is. This user told me that she's been using this products for quite a long time and it works for her. Happy trying!

Sebenarnya, kami pun tak tahu mana nak dapat produk ni. Pengguna ni kata, dia beli kat Penang. Nak legakan resdung katanya. Hurm...macam bagus je. So, produk ni dicubalah oleh penulis sendiri dan muke memang pedih bila pakai. Pengamal produk ni kata, tu menunjukkan, resdung kita ni teruk. Tapi dia dah lama amalkan dan dia berpuas hati dengan produk ni. Kalau dilihat muka pengguna ni, agak bersih jugakla. Takla licin sangat tapi bersihlah jugak.

1 comment:

  1. Salam,

    td dh dpt my comment ke...anyway, u can contact me at 017-5079705 kalo nk order bedak ni. sy selalu dptkan stok bedak ni.
